Razer Blade Pro 17 2020 No XMP profile? | Razer Insider (2025)

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The XMP options on the BIOS of the Razer Blade Pro 17 will not appear if the system does not detect a compatible kit.

The XMP options on the BIOS of the Razer Blade Pro 17 will not appear if the system does not detect a compatible kit.

Hi. Thanks. Thought as much. Is there an official list that will show me what ram is xmp compatible with the blade pro 17? Haven’t been able to find it.

Same. My crucial ballistix ram doesn't show the xmp profile. I will love to see a list of compatible ram.

Same. My crucial ballistix ram doesn't show the xmp profile. I will love to see a list of compatible ram.

What speed/rating is your ram? I actually just ordered the same brand after being told it was compatible. I just got the 3200MHz kit with XMP 2.0 support.

Was considering g.skill but that’s what I just used before. It came out February 28th so I assume the newer the better the chances (g.skill 3000 MHz I got in 2016)

What speed/rating is your ram? I actually just ordered the same brand after being told it was compatible. I just got the 3200MHz kit with XMP 2.0 support.

Was considering g.skill but that’s what I just used before. It came out February 28th so I assume the newer the better the chances (g.skill 3000 MHz I got in 2016)

Unfortunately it doesn't work with my razer blade 15 advanced model 2020 with rtx 2070 super. It running at 2666mhz with cl19. I will love to make it work at 3200mhz with the cl16. I have no xmp profile inside the bios.

Im wondering if razer is going to push an update for the bios to have xmp profile.

** The stock ram coming with my razer laptop seem to be 3200mhz but running at 2933mhz. There is no xmp profile too with the stock ram. **

Our engineers are already aware of this issue. Rest assured, support for Intel XMP will come in the next BIOS update for the 2020 versions of the Razer Blade 15 and Razer Blade Pro. I don't have a date of that yet, but it is already in the works.

Our engineers are already aware of this issue. Rest assured, support for Intel XMP will come in the next BIOS update for the 2020 versions of the Razer Blade 15 and Razer Blade Pro. I don't have a date of that yet, but it is already in the works.

That some good news! I hope it won't take too long before the razer blade 15 advanced model 2020 and the razer blade 17 will get a bios update to fix it.

That some good news! I hope it won't take too long before the razer blade 15 advanced model 2020 and the razer blade 17 will get a bios update to fix it.

That is the plan. I'll do my best to keep you guys posted.

That is the plan. I'll do my best to keep you guys posted.

Thanks! We can't wait for the update. It the only thing missing on my razer blade :cool_::big_grin_:

I have the same issue with my new blade 15 2020. I'm running Gskill 32 GB 3000 but it only runs 2400. It also looks like you are now locking bios mods through digital signatures in the 2020 models? Those of us who know how to mod bios are aware of the risks. You are supposed to be an enthusiast company. No way I would have bought the 2020 razer had I known you did this. Please reverse this decision.

I have the same issue with my new blade 15 2020. I'm running Gskill 32 GB 3000 but it only runs 2400. It also looks like you are now locking bios mods through digital signatures in the 2020 models? Those of us who know how to mod bios are aware of the risks. You are supposed to be an enthusiast company. No way I would have bought the 2020 razer had I known you did this. Please reverse this decision.

As I previously stated, we are aware of the issue, and we are already working on a hotfix. A BIOS update WILL be released to fix the XMP support.

Thanks to all of you for starting this thread.

I also have the 2020 Razer Blade Pro 17 4K 120hz.

I installed Ballistic 32gb (2x16) 3200Mhz sticks and couldn't find anything in the BIOS for XMP, even though it is advertised as a feature by RAZER.

I ended up just getting the compatible 32GB 2933Mhz sticks. I do wonder how much of a performance difference there would be between 3200Mhz and 2933Mhz, will it be worth the wait until RAZER updates the BIOS?


Edit #1:

As I previously stated, we are aware of the issue, and we are already working on a hotfix. A BIOS update WILL be released to fix the XMP support.

Hello, it has been a month since the original post. Any idea when we should expect a fix?

Also, are you aware that RAZER Blade Pro 17 2020 has not updated NVIDIA Game Ready Drivers since 4/15/20 ang many games are giving us the prompt to update drivers but there are none available to us, and if we manually update through NVIDIA we get a black screen,



BIOS updates take time to build and test, and fixing the XMP support isn't something we can rush either.

As for the GPU driver update for the RB15 and RBP 17 2020 models, we already talked about it in the forums. The driver packages in question, are yet to be certified for our laptops, but they should be available in early July.


BIOS updates take time to build and test, and fixing the XMP support isn't something we can rush either.

As for the GPU driver update for the RB15 and RBP 17 2020 models, we already talked about it in the forums. The driver packages in question, are yet to be certified for our laptops, but they should be available in early July.

Hi, thanks for your prompt answer. There is a BIOS update for the RB 17 2020 out today. Would you happen to know what this update does or maybe point us in the direction of were we can find out what this BIOS fixes?

Here is a link for the new BIOS:



Hi, thanks for your prompt answer. There is a BIOS update for the RB 17 2020 out today. Would you happen to know what this update does or maybe point us in the direction of were we can find out what this BIOS fixes?

Here is a link for the new BIOS:



Looks generic release notes seen here http://drivers.razersupport.com//index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=3827&nav=0%2C350%2C996%2C1005

Looks generic release notes seen here http://drivers.razersupport.com//index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=3827&nav=0,350,996,1005

Performance improvements could mean a lot or very little.

Performance improvements could mean a lot or very little.

I updated BIOS don't see any options in BIOS for XMP or any change to my clock speeds


BIOS updates take time to build and test, and fixing the XMP support isn't something we can rush either.

As for the GPU driver update for the RB15 and RBP 17 2020 models, we already talked about it in the forums. The driver packages in question, are yet to be certified for our laptops, but they should be available in early July.

I've been told by another user that this BIOS update does indeed fix XMP but it takes away Undervolting. Can someone else please confirm this? I am not sure if I want to loose the ability to UV, not sure if the performance gain og 300Mhz will outweigh the performance of undervolting.

I updated BIOS don't see any options in BIOS for XMP or any change to my clock speeds

Someone said it is in the BIOS under Advanced tab/ Overclocking performance menu/Memory, is this true or are they trolling?

Someone said it is in the BIOS under Advanced tab/ Overclocking performance menu/Memory, is this true or are they trolling?

Nope lol unless I’m missing something?

Nope lol unless I’m missing something?

Thanks for checking. May I know if you are still able to Undervolt with XTU after updating to 1.3 BIOS? If you are able to then I will also update.

Thanks for checking. May I know if you are still able to Undervolt with XTU after updating to 1.3 BIOS? If you are able to then I will also update.

I haven't mess with that stuff in years lol. But XMP is a feature of the hardware that should be enabled from my understanding.

I haven't mess with that stuff in years lol. But XMP is a feature of the hardware that should be enabled from my understanding.

You are totally missing out. It's so simple and the results so big. Razer Blade's 2019 came with a factory undervolt of -110v. The 2020 models are not for some reason, but once I undervolted I was able to gain a big boost in performance and lower temperatures.

You are totally missing out. It's so simple and the results so big. Razer Blade's 2019 came with a factory undervolt of -110v. The 2020 models are not for some reason, but once I undervolted I was able to gain a big boost in performance and lower temperatures.

Holy Crap! checking that out immediately thank you!

You are totally missing out. It's so simple and the results so big. Razer Blade's 2019 came with a factory undervolt of -110v. The 2020 models are not for some reason, but once I undervolted I was able to gain a big boost in performance and lower temperatures.

Bios update disables undervolt LOL!

Razer Blade Pro 17 2020 No XMP profile? | Razer Insider (2025)
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